+91 1982 252151 contact@lnp.org.in | lnplehladakh@gmail.com Leh, Ladakh

Board of Members

Board of Members

A fine board of member’s team is one where ideas are flowing fluidly

Mr. Tsering Samphel (Chairperson)

Former member of ST and SC commission of GOI and a social worker

Mrs. Serla Chhewang

President of mahila mandal leh and a social worker

Mr. Sonam Angchok

Social worker, an agriculture expert

Mr. Sonam Jorgyes

Entrepreneur and  social worker

Mr. Nazir Ahmad

LNP senior member.
Expert in passive solar technology, Artificial glacier and water sanitation and hygiene.

Mrs. Tsewang Dolma

Social /Development worker.
Currently working as a senior programme manager at EICHER group of foundation

Mr. Lotus Gyaltsan

Livelihood and social enterprise expert, agriculturist  and Social worker